Reviews Sliminazer

  • Йорданка
    Sliminazer - patch has given me a feel a boost of energy and has eliminated all the issues connected with excess weight. Weight loss 5 pounds was easy and discreet to obtain this result, I have not had to do anything - I simply put a patch on his body, and observe the result. With a patch Sliminazer the fat melts before my eyes!
  • Виолета
    As soon as I started to apply Sliminazermy appetite has decreased a couple of times. Wear the patch is not obvious, but the effect that it gives is remarkable. Weight loss occurs imperceptibly, I only see the result. The patch is a good alternative to the powders and bio-additives. Health and beauty I only trust patch for weight loss Sliminazer.
  • Елена
    I never thought that weight loss with chalk is so easy. I lost 20 pounds! Three months ago it was my dream, and it finally came true. As soon as I started to apply the patch, my weight loss started in front of the eyes. It's an incredible feeling, when you gain a new body. I advice you to buy Sliminazer to all those who want to lose weight.
  • Даниела
    Sliminazer - the patch that helps you lose weight. My weight was 82 pounds and I want to lose weight 10 pounds Without any effort I lowered the weight, I followed the instructions, which requires the application of tools. Sliminazer - quality of the patch, before him I used the other patches, but only he helped me lose weight.
  • Росица
    My husband has always wanted to see me beautiful and slender. After that it's on sale plaster Sliminazerhe promptly bought me a set. The result of weight loss, it was great - I lost 12 kg in 2.5 months. With this I practically I do not do sport and are not on a diet. I put a patch on her, and advise her friends.
Rating Sliminazer