A lazy man's diet

About 200 years ago, in the 19th and early 20th centuries, obesity was rampant and women were simply not interested in dieting. The beauty ideal is full hips, belly folds, and full breasts. Times change, and so do the ideas of ideal people. Modern people's beauty standards have become slim waists, flat stomachs, and athletic slim bodies.Not only medical advancements in the field of weight management, but also nutritional systems successfully developed by nutritionists are helping women in the 21st century. Many diet programs not only have an emotional and energetic cost, but often a physical cost as well. The Lazy Man Diet requires minimal effort, basic organization, and no additional expense. This weight loss option is ideal for working women and housewives with limited time.

The essence of lazy people’s diet

The basis of lazy diet weight loss is clean drinking water without gasThe human body is approximately 80% water. Simple, gas-free drinking water forms the basis of a "lazy" diet. The key is to eat whatever you want, but be sure to drink 1-2 glasses of water half an hour to an hour before meals. notes! The water should be plain, still, room temperature water.The secret is simple - water fills the stomach and creates a false feeling of fullness. The first satiety signals reach your brain within 20 minutes of starting a meal, so you eat less than usual. In addition, part of the stomach has been taken up by water, and there is simply not enough room to accommodate a normal-sized stomach in its entirety. The best part is that water is a completely calorie-free product!People often confuse the feelings of hunger and thirst, so a rule like drinking a glass of water can dispel the illusion of hunger and help you determine whether you are actually hungry.After a month of "water" diet, you will lose 5 to 11 kilograms of weight. Of course, the results of the diet will vary based on your body composition and eating habits. The results of a lazy diet will obviously be more impressive if you eliminate or at least reduce the content of sweets, flour and salt from your diet and prioritize vegetables, fruits and healthier foods.
How much water should you drink every day?30ml. per 1 kg of weight - this is the correct formula. Yes, 2 liters per day is correct, but for an average girl weighing 65-66 kg. So, drink water correctly!

lazy eating rules

Eating without rules is the fulfillment of important needs in daily life, therefore, in order for nutrition to contribute to weight loss, rules are still necessary. The lazy man's diet also includes them. By following them, you can achieve impressive results.
  1. Drink 1 cup (200 ml) of water 30 minutes before each snack. Increase this time to an hour or two and the amount of liquid to 2 cups before a heavy lunch or dinner. Such a break is necessary so that part of the water is absorbed properly and the body begins to use up part of the fat reserves that you have not had time to replenish with food.
  2. You should not wash down food and do not drink water for 2 hours after eating. The weight loss effects of following this rule can be explained by the details of digestion. Liquid food reaches the stomach faster than solid food. Digestion times also differ between liquid and solid foods. It also has to do with the absorption of calories, and the time it takes for them to be "converted" into fat cells.
  3. This diet is only beneficial if you drink water in small sips (like hot tea) rather than gulping it down in one gulp. It is the water that enters the body in certain doses and in small portions that is the secret to weight loss. When large amounts of water fill your stomach, you shouldn't expect any other effects other than a feeling of heaviness.
As already mentioned, water is the main and most important component of the body. If a man can survive for about a month without food and only on water, he cannot survive even a week without water. Within 10 days the body was almost completely dehydrated. Therefore, it is important not only to drink water, but also to drink water correctly. This way you will not only get rid of excess weight, but also many other problems such as insomnia. If you develop the habit of drinking a glass of water half an hour to an hour before going to bed, you can reduce the risk of stroke several times.
Useful advice!Despite the fact that there are no gastronomic prohibitions in the lazy man's diet, it is still recommended to reduce the consumption of sweets, baked goods and baked goods. This will speed up the desired results and help maintain weight once you resume a normal diet. Reducing your intake of bacon and semi-finished products will definitely improve your health and help your body resume normal functions.Fast food, while not banned, still completely eliminating them from the diet will only increase health and bring the number on the scale closer.

Meal preparation is the key to success

The key to success with any diet is preparation. Before putting your body to any test, it's important to be prepared because every change in diet can be stressful. Fortunately, the "lazy" diet is minimally traumatic to change, so it's not difficult to prepare for.3-4 days before you plan to start your dietStart purifying your bodyRemoves waste and toxins and slightly increases the amount of fluids consumed. Replace tea and coffee with cleansing herbal teas, and add whole-wheat bread (which has fewer calories than other types of baked goods) and fiber-rich fresh vegetables to your diet. And don’t forget to start taking vitamins.Maybe you have your own at-home body cleansing regimen, use them. The main thing is not to overdo it!

Advantages and Disadvantages of Diet

  • One undoubted advantage of the lazy man's diet is that there are no food prohibitions.
  • The weight came off quickly. People who have lost weight using this system have lost anywhere from 5kg to 8-11kg in 3 weeks. Considering you can eat whatever you want, this is a great result.
  • According to reviews from weight loss people, this diet is easy to tolerate and does not cause hunger and severe psychological stress caused by not dieting.
  • Cleanse the body, but there is a slippage related to what you eat. However, if your eating habits still include fast food, fatty and fried foods, then you shouldn't expect great results.
  • If you're not organized, sticking to a water schedule will be difficult.
  • The duration of the diet should not exceed three weeks, since the risk of losing useful trace elements (such as calcium) from the body is high. Therefore, the vitamin and mineral complex will help keep the body in good condition.
  • There is another difficulty for people who drink very little water during the day, since their daily water intake should be at least 2 liters.

again about water

Although water is the source of life, we should not forget to do everything in moderation. The human body requires approximately 2 liters of water per day. Disruption of water balance in any direction can have adverse health effects. Therefore, a lack of life-giving moisture significantly affects metabolism: the condition of the skin worsens, elasticity decreases, and the risk of cracking increases.Excessive fluid intake often leads to swelling, eye bags, and kidney problems. In addition, drinking a large amount of water in one breath will promote the loss of calcium from the body and also hinder the absorption and absorption of useful substances into the blood.According to reviews from dieters, you should not drink excessive amounts of water in the evening so that there will be no swelling in the morning.

Contraindications of a "lazy" diet

Such a diet is not recommended for all busy and lazy people, but only for those without kidney and urinary system problems, as well as those with high blood pressure. It is worth consulting a specialist; perhaps the solution is to allow you to consume the maximum amount of fluids, evenly distributed throughout the day and adapted to your nutritional plan.Another nuance involves the duration and frequency of the diet. Everything here is purely personal. Experts recommend that in the long run, stop when you are 1. 5-2 kg away from your ideal weight. If you don't achieve your goals, take a break for a few months. However, to avoid problems with swelling and calcium dissolution, do not stay on the lazy diet for longer than three weeks. It can be repeated after 2-3 months.